
Chapter Leaders: Dieneke Sophia Klompe

Location: Zonnemaire, Zeeland, The Netherlands

About Our Chapter: My name is Dieneke Klompe, I live in the Netherlands, I am a teacher and an organic framer with a mission.

I have built up since 2000 an organic farm (3 acre) edible flowers, special herbs and vegetables) and a retreat. A remaining part of my property will come back in my hands by January 2023. it has been leased out, via a contract, for a long period of time for mainstream agriculture. I am able to get it back into my own allotment. 6 ha (21 acre).

My mission is; I want to return this piece of land with a holistic biodiversity good soil approach to it best state possible.

My idea/plan for this part is to facilitate and establish a “community”. The word community is between inverted commas because what I want to create is not a common established standard community.

It beholds 3 layers:

  • Food production, Organic, permaculture based, restore the soil to its natural standard (pre chemicals-fertilizer period) and develop this with organic production salty and fresh water based of vegetables (partly plant based protein) herbs and flowers. Biodiversity, sustainable, working with nature. The harvest will be used fresh but also processed into plant based foods and medicine.

  • Education, “outdoor school”, teach what is relevant for all ages with a heart based collective of people. Centre to learn skills to be self- reliant. But also a place where people can stay for a period of time to share their talent, knowledge or labor to help or educate others.

  • Nurture through nature, self-healing we are, sometimes with a little bit of help if needed. Facilitate for a heart based collective of people that is working from the heart and their blueprints for natural healing skills, like light language, sound healing, reiki etc. Combination outdoor room, good food and be in nature.

Events: www.dienekeklompe.nl