Overarching Principles of Biological Systems
At the Groundswell Annual Summit in Hertfordshire, UK, Dan delivered a riveting talk on the Overarching Principles of Biological Systems.
Groundswell event provides a forum for farmers and anyone interested in food production or the environment to learn about the theory and practical applications of Conservation Agriculture or regenerative systems, including no-till, cover crops and re-introducing livestock into the arable rotation, with a view to improving soil health.
Visit: Groundswellag.com for more information.
Defining Nutrient Density: Beef
The Bionutrient Institute is leading a study to define Nutrient Density in beef. In this session that took place as a finale for the 2021 Soil & Nutrition conference, we discussed the rationale and the science for our latest study proposal, Defining Nutrient Density: Beef with researchers, producers and food movement leaders, including Fred Provenza, Stephan van Vliet, Nicole Masters, Dan Kittredge and Lisa Stokke, with a special message from Joel Salatin.
This study represents the first food or crop for which we will develop this understanding through the Bionutrient Institute.
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Principles of Biological Systems
This course provides an overview of the principles and practices of biological farming, with the goal to build upon your knowledge and experience to find ways to increase the health of your soil and crops for greater yields, healthier produce and better marketability. In the lecture Dan digs into this exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops, and importantly increase the nutrient quality of produce being grown.
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2021 Soil & Nutrition Conference
The 10th Annual Soil & Nutrition Conference was held online weekly from February through September 2021 with 30+ speakers sharing diverse viewpoints and perspectives.

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